Road of thousand hills

Our plan was to exit Firenze early. But, no matter how hard You try, that great city somehow pulls You back. It was exciting experience riding through the city of Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci, Donatello, Dante, Galileo, Machiaveli …

After postponing the rest of the journey, it was hard to leave this cultural centre. And then first shock. Big hill was the first sign that this stage will be very exhausting. Behind that, uphill of about 15 km. Then another one.

We were in hurry of visiting Sienna because of Palio – the most important event there. After 70 km of hilly road, we finally got it. At the beginning of craziest thing we saw. This is something different. So many emotions, happiness, sadness, anger, fear, hysteria…

Now we realized why Sienna is surrounded by all this hills, that all this effort was was worth it and had a reason.

It was honor to be a part of it! Although we were only two ones with bikes!

Thank You, Siena! ☺

